The Double 16.

The Double Sixteen was an enormous success for the Club and the Returners in 2002 and marked the glorious event in true Club style..

The Double Sixteen was celebrated in the timeless style of the Club - the whole experience was greatly approved of by both the Returners and the Club in College.
During the Great Celebrations, Club presented College with a truly wonderous painting of Old Canterbury by Nick Beall.

The older members of the Club, which was formed before the Old Canterbury building was "disappeared", have fond memories of such joyous activities as "walking the corridor" and downhill sledging....

The Gentlemen assembled on the Great Lawn at Ty Pedr prior to the meal to enjoy sherry wine and excellent company. Gentlemen from as far afield as the Americas and Germany attended the gathering.

Try the links below for photos and information about the Old Canterbury painting.

  Assembly at Ty Pedr | Nick Beall | Canterbury Building |