I have taken the opportunity to read all the contributions to the website.
My current thinking is as follows :
Returning Members should go ahead after the summer double sixteen bash
and work out a modus vivendi with the Club in College. We will probably
end up working alongside the Club in College but not be so closely linked
with it.
Returning Members should take the opportunity of dining around the country.
It would be a mistake to limit this to London and other locations in the
south east of England.
Returning Members should not admit women because the true character of
the club would be altered irrevocably. What we need to be is more family
and partner friendly. This means more attention to planning events around
the dinners.
Returning Members must be insistent that bureaucracy and administration
should be kept down to a minimal requirement (notwithstanding my last comment
about 'planning events'). It strikes me that we are getting too much like
other clubs run by middle aged men, far too self important - just look
who's talking now ! The essence of the club is to have good, convivial
dinners with plenty to drink. For heaven's sake, let's not lose sight of
Redemption was a good idea but it has not been a practical success apart
from the shining example of Barley Evans. Why not ? I guess folk don't
want to stump up the money; in which case, should we be asking them ? We
might, perhaps, be making false assumptions about some folks capacity to
pay and their willingness to come back to college on a reasonably regular
basis. I speak as somebody who is currently between jobs. To come back
to college for this year's dinner would cost somebody at least a fortnight's
job seeker's allowance. I can manage on my savings but not everybody can.
Let's try and ensure that the future of the club is debated properly
at this year's AGM.
Thank you. It's a privilege to communicate with you all in this way.
Rob Rosset
Rob Rosset
Lord High Registrar
E-mail Rob Rosset |