Club Thoughts from Banbury 2007

Mr. Blincoe has sent a synopsys of the Wales Summer University from Sue Pester, an ex-Lampetarian. We discussed this as a possible option for Club support - all comments will be published before the AGM.

Bob Fonow added a few thoughts.

Joppo has sent me his article from the Lampeter Link for inclusion - this seems a very appropriate place to put it as the AGM will include discussion on what the Club can do to help Coll.

The Members discussed principles and options for future deeds on behalf of the Club for discussion at the AGM.
Please mail me any thoughts or comments. I will post these to open the discussion before the AGM.

Club Principles.

  1. To support the 16 Club and ensure its continued existence.
  2. To support the continued existence of UW, Lampeter.
  3. To foster good relations between Town and Gown.
These principles lead to several ideas for future action along these lines. Four of these are outlined below for debate.
  1. A major Club event for the 2011 anniversary of the Club.
  2. "Peter's Day" - an event to be held in Lampeter to celebrate both the memory of Peter Allison and the future of the Club.
  3. Student Sponsorship.
  4. A student "Community Spirit" project, with agreed funding set aside for this purpose.