Re. Mr Fonow's Invitation.

My Dear Bob

How very kind of you to invite me to dinner at The Hotel Belgorod; I am delighted to accept.

Due to unhappy experiences with airplanes I will not, however, be coming on your recommended route. Instead my party and I will be taking the alternative route to Belgorod as recommended to me by Old Nobby of the Plough Inn Lampeter. I have always sought Nobby’s advice on travel outside of the security of The British Empire and found his views of inestimable value in such matters.

My party will consist of: Yakov, my old and trusted manservant, Anton the groom and guide and Ericaceous, a serving wench who I rescued from a people- trafficking gang and to whom I am now Protector.

Our route will be to take a tramp steamer to Arkhangel and from there we will travel on the Cross Siberian Railway as far as Vologda. From there we will take canoes and paddle down the Volga as far as is navigable. We will finish our journey on pack mules.( If the mud proves difficult, Anton advises me that the Mules can be fitted with mud flaps)

I would anticipate our arrival at the hotel to be on the 23rd of next month. There is no need to go to any special arrangements, as my party is prepared to dine separately in deference to the etiquette of The 16 Club.

I will, of course, be wearing my 16 Club tie throughout the journey to provide us with rites of passage in foreign lands, and to ensure security of mind that should bandits or other vagabonds attempt to molest us, that the friends of the Club will gather round us. It also means that I will be properly dressed on arrival and ready to dine.

Looking forward to seeing you again

Gaudeamus Semper