Testing a style sheet.

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Back to body text hopefully!

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Footer stuff for pages.

Quotation text for misc. bumf. Indented as per Indented 2 format.

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News from Returning Members.

Test for base - gdr ds is the normal sf gdrggregrdg g drg gd drdgdfg dg dg gdg dg dg dfgdg dg fvd sf sd g drged d

This is the format for shoving in quotations from boring old farts from the Club, or even interesting toot from various folks who have some sort of axe to grind. I thought you should know that Andy King one of the Club's first members, who has long battled against MS, is now in a very bad state - basically he can hardly talk and has to have 24 hour care. I am posting this because I am certain he would greatly appreciate a card from any Club member. For almost twenty five years Andy has fought bravely against this horrible disease, has always retained a sense of humour and has received great comfort from his contacts with old Lampeter days. Although his wife, Julie, and his daughter Sophie visit him regularly and bring him great solace, it would be wonderful if members could just send him a few words to show that the Club to which he was so proud to have belonged, still thinks of him a

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And back to the main body